Study Guides

studyguide Roger Kirkhart studyguide Roger Kirkhart

Being In Awe | Mark 4:35-41

Nathan Mandsager, Teens Lead at Mercy Church, focuses on the story of Jesus calming the storm in Mark chapter 4. Nathan uses the story to illustrate the importance of standing in awe of God’s power and vastness, even in the face of life’s storms.

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studyguide Roger Kirkhart studyguide Roger Kirkhart

Mark 3:31-34: The Nature and Importance of Family

Pastor Tim explores the concept of family as presented in the Gospel of Mark. He begins by discussing the importance of family in Jewish culture and how Jesus challenges the traditional view of family by highlighting the importance of doing God’s will. Pastor Tim emphasizes that Jesus offers a broader understanding of family, one that encompasses those who are united by faith and shared belief, rather than simply blood relations.

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studyguide Roger Kirkhart studyguide Roger Kirkhart

Mark 2:23-28: Sabbath Rest in Jesus

This study guide focuses on Mark 2:23-28, where Jesus challenges the Pharisees' legalistic understanding of the Sabbath. Pastor Tim emphasizes that the Sabbath is a gift from God, intended for human flourishing, not a burden of restrictive rules. Jesus, as Lord of the Sabbath, emphasizes love, compassion, and doing good on this holy day. Ultimately, true Sabbath rest is found in Jesus Christ, offering peace and security for our souls.

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studyguide Roger Kirkhart studyguide Roger Kirkhart

Mark 1:35-39: Living a Life on Mission

The Gospel of Mark encourages us to live a life of mission for God. Pastor Tim  emphasizes the importance of prayer and spending time with God as the foundation for fulfilling God’s mission. The mission is meant to be lived out through both word and deed, and this can look like both preaching and serving. In conclusion, Pastor Tim gives a call to examine one’s life and pray for God to help them focus on their individual mission.

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studyguide Roger Kirkhart studyguide Roger Kirkhart

2 Peter 3

Video: 2 Peter: Chapter 3 | Exiles With Hope | August 25, 2024


This sermon transcript from Second Peter Chapter 3 focuses on the importance of living a righteous life in anticipation of the second coming of Jesus. Pastor Tim emphasizes the significance of studying scripture to combat scoffers who doubt Jesus's return and to guide believers towards holy living. Pastor Tim argues that God's patience delays judgment, offering more time for repentance and spiritual growth. Referencing Paul's writings, Pastor Tim cautions against misinterpreting difficult passages and encourages seeking understanding. Ultimately, the sermon urges Christians to actively pursue spiritual maturity, preparing for the eventual, cataclysmic return of Christ and the dawn of a new heaven and earth.

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studyguide Roger Kirkhart studyguide Roger Kirkhart

2 Peter 2

Video: 2 Peter: Chapter 2 | Exiles With Hope | August 18, 2024


This sermon transcript from Mercy Church focuses on the dangers of false teachers, a topic explored in 2 Peter Chapter Two. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being critical thinkers, carefully evaluating both a teacher's theology and their conduct against the standard of Scripture. Using examples like the prophet Balaam and modern-day internet personalities, the speaker warns against those who, driven by greed and a desire for power, twist scripture and exploit vulnerable individuals. Ultimately, the speaker stresses that while these false teachers may appear to offer freedom, they themselves are enslaved to their desires, and judgment awaits them.

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