At Mercy Church, it is our deep belief that your SPIRITUAL GROWTH is of the utmost importance.  Your understanding of God, the Gospel, and its implications on your life and the lives of others are areas worthy of effort and growth.

As with many things in life, growth is a process. Physical growth is a process, growing in both knowledge and wisdom are a process, and growing in any area requires consistent, intentional investment; conversely, failing to grow will often lead to atrophy and distress.

This is also true in our spiritual life with God. Your understanding of God, the Gospel, and its implications on your life and the lives of others are areas worthy of effort and growth.

Understanding this process will help you see where you are spiritually and where you can be growing; it will also help you locate where others are so you can understand how to best help them in their spiritual growth. Even more important than just understanding the process is using the tools to start growing and finding people to walk alongside you in the continual process of becoming a more mature disciple.

Start the Spiritual Growth Process

  • Self Assessment: 
    Determine where YOU are in the process.

  • Choose a Resource and Engage:
    Start going through the references in your category. It is best to do this with someone else!

  • Ask for Help:
    Reach out to a few other Christians and ask them to go through this process with you.

  • When You're Ready Help Someone Else:
    Once you've become a disciple, begin investing in others and help them in their spiritual growth!