
Going into all the World

Through Missions, we spread Jesus's love to all parts of the world, as Jesus commanded. This may mean we love people in other countries and continents and those in our neighborhoods, towns, and states. Being a missionary is one of God’s great blessings for individuals called to his service in an incredibly special way. Supporting missions through our gifts shows how we love others and love God and helps create disciples everywhere.

Learn more about: CHILDVOICE.org

CHILDVOICE is dedicated to restoring the hope and lives of forcibly displaced adolescents who have been traumatized by war and exploitation.

ChildVoice, founded in 2006, acts on the conviction that children broken by war can be restored in safe, therapeutic settings with loving care, spiritual and emotional counseling, and effective education and vocational training. Our ultimate goal is that every child will be equipped to reintegrate back into their community, being self-sufficient as they pursue their future goals in life. There are dozens of active conflict zones all around the world. ChildVoice's vision is to be present in every single one, bringing God's restoration and hope to all communities affected by war. Currently our programs and partners are serving kids affected by war and conflict from Uganda, South Sudan, DRC, Nigeria, Cameroon, Ukraine, and Moldova.

Nathan& Pam Mandsager

Learn more about: LIVE2SERVE.net


Live2Serve is dedicated to sharing the love of Christ
by improving the lives of under-served populations in the Dominican Republic. We do this through supporting mothers in vital prenatal care, empowering women to lead sustainable businesses, & building up local churches to provide resources to their communities. Honoring God and sharing His love are at the center of it all.

Brice & Nicole Snyder

Melanie Lamar

Learn more about: Athletes In Action

Striving to see Christ-followers on every team, in every sport, and in every nation.

I am so excited to have the opportunity to serve as an athletic trainer with AIA in Xenia, OH! I am excited to use the skills and experience that the Lord has given me to bring Him glory. Through providing a physical need, I will be trusting God to provide opportunities to share who He is.

Paige O’Neil

Learn more about: Ride Nature

Dedicated to giving generously, proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ, and making disciples through ACTION SPORTS outreach, evangelism, and discipleship.

Our heartbeat has always been to bring the Gospel to the least, last, and lost…we’re just using action sports as a tool to do so. Shortly after returning from several trips out of the Country in 2010 we recognized the need for ministry right in the community we were based out of. While we were bringing the Gospel to “the ENDS” we were missing “the Jerusalem” in our backyard.