Loving God,

Loving Others,

Making Disciples

We’re about:
Loving God, Loving Others, and Making Disciples!

It may not be fancy, but it’s true and it’s beautiful.

This is how Jesus called His followers to live. Living this kind of life begins when we establish a relationship with Jesus: through what He’s done in His life, death, and resurrection; otherwise known as The Gospel.

If you have questions about who Jesus is, what He has done for us as humans, or about how to establish a relationship with Him and grow in your relationship with Him, we’d love to talk to you about this, that’s why we started MERCY CHURCH.

Spiritual Growth Resources

It is our deep belief at Mercy Church that your spiritual growth is of the utmost importance. Your understanding of God, the Gospel, and its implications on your life and the lives of others are areas worthy of effort and growth.

Come casual and enjoy the informal time of Worship and Praise!
Learn with us from the Bible how to Love God, Love Others and Make Disciples!

Key Areas to Grow in Your Relationship With God

Investing time and effort in our relationship with God is crucial for growth. Just as consistent exercise and healthy eating lead to physical fitness, focusing on seven key areas throughout our lives will deepen our connection with the love of God. Remember, this journey is lifelong, not a checklist to complete.

Interested in discussing BAPTISM or BABY DEDICATION or other?
Just contact info@mercychurchnh.com or fill out the contact form!